No Safe Harbor: Exhibition Opening by Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs

Domestic sex trafficking in the United States is a nationwide endemic, a form of modern-day slavery that entraps thousands. Traffickers target victims, often teenagers and young women, who are homeless, live in foster care, or have a history of childhood sexual abuse. As a $99 billion global industry, sex trafficking flourishes due to high demand and lack of accountability— one which we have a humanitarian obligation to end.

The Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs has curated No Safe Harbor, a collection of photographs by Getty Images photographer Robert Nickelsberg, to highlight domestic sex trafficking through a variety of angles: the women and girls trapped in a cycle of exploitation; the traffickers and “johns” who fuel the trade; the advocates and law enforcement officials striving to tackle the problem; and the survivors who have been able to start a new life.

Join us for the opening of this exhibition as we aim to address this humanitarian issue and raise the voices of those affected by this deeply complex issue.

Refreshments will be served.

A panel discussion with advocates and law enforcement on this issue will follow on April 24th.

Register link:

Thu, April 5, 2018 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT

Canisius Hall, 2nd Floor, 2546 Belmont Avenue Bronx, NY 10458

Historically Speaking: A Lifetime in Photographs with Adger Cowans (2/27) + Video

 (March 2 Update) In case you missed the event, here's the video archive of Adger Cowans' speaking at National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC) on 2/27.

The National Museum of African American History and Culture is the only national museum devoted exclusively to the documentation of African American life, history, and culture. It was established by Act of Congress in 2003, following decades of efforts to promote and highlight the contributions of African Americans.

Renowned photographer Adger Cowans' forty year career captures the vastness of American life in black and white, from wholesome scenes of everyday life, to momentary snapshots of city life, to one of the most famous portraits of Malcolm X. From working as Gordon Parks' assistant at Life magazine to collaborating with fashion photographer Henri Clark, Mr. Cowans' lifelong career is truly remarkable. Join us for a conversation with Adger Cowans, and NMAAHC Curators Aaron Bryant (Photography) and Tuliza Fleming (Visual Arts) accompanied by visuals from Mr. Cowans' extensive photography archives. A book signing of "Personal Vision: Photographs: Adger Cowans" follows the presentation.

When: Tuesday, February 27, 2018, 7 – 9pm

Venue: African American History and Culture Museum

Event Location: Oprah Winfrey Theatre

Tickets are available here


Original link:



Shawn Walker: A Photographer’s Search for the Magic in Everyday Life (Digital Dispora Roadshow)

Jan. 18, 2018
Retrieved from Digital Dispora Roadshow blog post (

Harlem, New York, 1992. Shawn Walker/Courtesy of Steven Kasher Gallery

Harlem, New York, 1992. Shawn Walker/Courtesy of Steven Kasher Gallery

I had the pleasure of spending time with Shawn Walker in Ethiopia in 2015 for the Pan African Workshop, where he shared with me stories about his work over 5 decades. I am now looking forward to moderating Telling Our Stories: Photographers of Spirit of Community on Sunday January 21, a discussion featuring Shawn along with photographers Henry Adebonojo, Tau Battice, and David Vades Joseph.

The Steven Kasher Gallery is also currently presenting Shawn’s first ever solo exhibition!

The exhibition surveys Walker’s evolving and wide-ranging work from the 1960s through the 1990s and proposes his importance to the photography and art of our time. Embracing and melding abstraction, surrealism, social documentary and street photography, Walker’s work challenges the myth of a singular African-American aesthetic. Each body of work marries transcendental spiritual philosophies with contemporary urban representations of African heritage. From his 30 year study of parades to his on-going series on shadows and reflections, Walker’s work is connected to profound rituals, ceremonies and masking found in African culture.

Shawn Walker is an integral part of the rich history and continuing legacy of the Kamoinge Workshop, the seminal black photography collective finally having its moment in the spotlight. As a founding member of Kamoinge, Walker studied photography with Roy DeCarava, Herbert Randall, Adger Cowans and Louis Draper. Walker also considers Charles White, Romare Bearden and Jacob Lawrence to be his artistic forebears. Walker was the Picture Editor of the Black Photographer’s Annual from 1973 – 1980, the first annual dedicated to the work of these artists.

Deborah Willis, historian and Producer of Through a Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People, says of Walker’s work and Kamoinge, “The photographs are a rich contrast to the ‘headline’ images that have circulated worldwide about black communities known only as the roughest and toughest neighborhoods to live in…I consider these photographs to be a mosaic of the black experience; they expand our consciousness and challenge what we think we know about black life.” As the art historian Erina Duganne observed in an article on the diversity of the group’s imagery, “rather than speak for African Americans as a group or act as a corrective lens, the Kamoinge members used their photographs to explore how the particularities of their individual circumstances — including their collective experience of racial difference — informed and complicated their art.”

Related article: Shawn Walker: A Photographer’s Search for the Magic in Everyday Life
